Every Software Product Is Now A Mobile Product – Are You Prepared?

The times have changed from when technology was a supporting function of major businesses. Today, digital transformation takes the front seat in creating new revenue streams and improving customer relationships for businesses in almost every sector worldwide. At the heart of every major consumer-facing business lies a core digital product or platform that unifies its physical and digital business channels strategically to offer a superior experience to customers. But does having an efficient software product tick all the boxes for winning the digital race?

The answer is no.

While the quality and value proposition of the software product is undeniably crucial, the real element that influences customers to do business with a brand by leveraging its digital channel is the focus the brand has on outcomes. In other words, customer experience is what drives the future of business success.

As for customer experience, today most of the action happens on mobile screens.

The trend seems to be that people are leveraging web applications on their PCs or laptops lesser these days. With over 54% of global internet traffic being generated via smartphones, businesses need to ensure that their core digital product is ready for a mobile-first consumer base.

From personalization to performance, enterprises need to work around a philosophy that considers every software product being leveraged by a business as a mobile product. Let us examine the top 5 ways in which brands need to prepare themselves to offer mobile-friendly engagements to their customers in 2022:

Secure endpoints

As mobile phones expand the influence of your business operations to every corner possible, the security infrastructure in place for your digital systems also requires a mobile-centric evolution. Accommodating a universal device-independent policy for access control, identity management, and information sharing need to be practiced across all levels of the business. The best option is to follow a Zero Trust model of operations for the business’s digital ecosystem that prevents any unauthorized access via mobile endpoints as well.

Customer centricity

Usability is not the only criterion for evaluating a mobile app’s demand generation ability. Every single navigation journey within the app, every single feature, performance, and adaptability needs to be vetted with customer-centricity goals. Wear the shoes of a potential customer. How likely are they going to experience transactional behavior with your business’s mobile app? Does it meet the required standards in design and quality excellence? Can customers achieve their goals easily with your business’s mobile app? How likely are they to share a positive review of the app based on their experience? Such fundamental questions need to be asked and convincing answers obtained from your app development team. This will ensure that the mobile product experience offered has a sustainable growth trajectory.

Personalize for mobile

In the early days, personalized recommendations and digital behavior from brands were a hallmark for customer satisfaction. But today, the focus has shifted from just personalization to true personalization centered around devices owned by customers. Your business’s core digital products must leverage a smartphone’s key attributes and functional modules to drive a more personalized experience for end-users. For example, using the phone’s geolocation abilities to tailor a product or service delivery experience can be treated as the expectation that users have when they deal with a business today.

Measure growth

As with any strategy, it is important for enterprises to evaluate the effectiveness of their mobile-first growth outlook. For this, they need to embed mobile analytics tools on core digital channels and measure engagement across a range of customer profiles and devices. The insights derived from the metrics can be used to improve adaptability for smartphones and lower overall costs in the long run.

Continuous innovation

The market demands constant adaptability to the latest technology or business trends. Businesses need to demonstrate superior transactional and behavioral expertise while building their core digital product. They need to apply every learning to create the mobile version of the application itself. But on the bright side, continuous innovation helps them secure more applause from investors on evaluating corporate priorities for some of its clients.

As mobile computing power increases every day, so does the opportunity for businesses to win customer attention and improve their relationships. In 2022, the focus of enterprises would be transitioning into a mobile-friendly platform that is globally accessible. They need to carefully visit every step of the journey outlined in this blog. By treating every single software product of your business as a mobile-first product, enterprises can alleviate challenges to a great extent. Get in touch with us to know more. 

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